Photo: Bart Grietens
ANECKXANDER is a solo in a minimal setting for one acrobatic body, a handful of carefully selected objects, and three variations on a piece of piano music by Arvo Pärt. Balancing on the fine line between tragedy and comedy, Alexander/Aneckxander rewrites the autobiography of his own body: from subject to object to matter. The result is a raw self-portrait in which the body both exposes itself to and tries to escape from the prying eyes of those looking at it.
Created by: Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens
Performed by: Alexander Vantournhout
Dramaturgic advice: Dries Douibi, Gerald Kurdian
Outside eyes: Geert Belpaeme, Anneleen Keppens, Lore Missine, Lili M. Rampre, Methinee Wongtrakoon
Light design: Tim Oelbrandt, Rinus Samyn
Music: Arvo Pärt
Costumes: Nefeli Myrtidi, Anne Vereecke
Photos: Bart Grietens
Bookings: Frans Brood Productions
Coproduction: Circus Next, Les Subsistances (Lyon, FR), Festival PERPLX (Kortrijk-Marke, BE), Festival novog cirkusa (Zagreb, HR)
Residencies: Kunstencentrum Vooruit (Gent, BE), Circuscentrum (Gent, BE), CC De Warande (Turnhout, BE), Festival PERPLX (Kortrijk-Marke, BE), Centro Cultural Vila Flor (Guimarães, PT), Les Migrateurs (Strasbourg, FR), Subtopia (Norsborg, SE), CC De Spil (Roeselare, BE), La Brèche Pôle National des Arts du Cirque de Basse-Normandie (Cherbourg, FR), Les Subsistances (Lyon, FR), STUK (Leuven, BE)
With the support of: Province of West Flanders, the Flemish Government, and Circus Next – a European platform coordinated by Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe, funded with support from the European Commission.
Thanks to: KASK School of Arts (Ghent, BE)
Production: NOT STANDING vzw - Beversesteenweg 78, 8800 Roeselare (BE)